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Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Potato Resist and Bleach

At our July Uncommon Threads (art bee) meeting, our leader, Marilyn showed us some examples of painted fabric using potato starch resist. I had been thinking of trying this, but decided to see how it would work with bleach discharge instead of fabric paint.
The piece of fabric above is what resulted from my first try at using potato resist with bleach discharge on a piece of solid black fabric. I really like the texture effect that I got, and found that this particular fabric bleaches to a lovely rosy color, (a bonus!)
Here's what I did: I bought the cheapest grocery store brand of dry instant mashed potatoes. For the edible version, the box calls for 3/4 cup of boiling water and 1/3 cup milk to 3/4 cup of the dry potato flakes. I decided to try approximately double the amount of liquid (all water, of course), so I boiled about 2 cups of water and added the potatoes. This made a mixture that was very liquid and runny, so I stirred in some additional potato flakes until the mixture was a little thicker---about the consistency of babyfood applesauce. I also added about one tablespoon of Sta-Flo liquid starch. I had read a recipe somewhere on the internet that suggested this, but I can't find the site now.
I pinned the peice of black fabric to a scrap piece of blue board foam insulation to keep it flat. Then I applied a fairly thick coat of the potato mixture to the fabric, using a foam brush to smooth it out. I put it aside to dry on my deck in the 90 degree heat. When it was thoroughly dry, (which took hours!), it was quite stiff and I took it off the board and crumpled it so that the potato coating cracked in many directions. Then I put the fabric in a plastic tray, took it outdoors and sprayed it with Clorox bleach. As soon as it had bleached to a nice rosy orange in all of the cracks and parts with no potato resist, I put it into a solution of Anti-chlor to stop the bleach action. After a few minutes, I rinsed the fabric in a bucket of water which took off most of the potato, and then hand washed it with a little detergent to get rid of the rest. After a thorough rinse, I pressed it dry with the iron, and you can see the result above. This piece of fabric measures 8 1/2" by 14". I don't know how I will be using it, but I am very happy with it for a first try, and I will be exploring more possibilities with potato starch resist!


andie said...

I am a member of Marilyn's FL group, and I have been following your exploits for some time! Love the results you got with the starch resist and bleach. I just tried the same thing using flour paste resist and white fabric with black paint. Great technique, isn't it?

Karoda said...

I'm looking for the potato resist recipe with the starch and your page came up...I love the results you got using the bleach discharge. I'm trying to revamp some "uglies" that I got through dyeing last weekend.