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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

February 12, 2013

 It has been a very long time since I posted on this blog.  Time flies when you reach my advanced age, I know, but this is ridiculous.  Nevertheless, my life has taken some difficult turns since I was here last, and I haven't been very organized for awhile so I have neglected many things. 
What have I accomplished toward my creative goals in that time, you ask?   Well, I've continued to draw in my Sketchbook Challenge sketchbook(s), but I haven't posted very many of the resulting pages on Flickr.  Given  a choice, the sketching became the priority---not the showing.  
Sketching in my journals has been fun and rewarding.  It feels great.  Sketching, painting, collage, etc. are wonderful ways to center myself in a quiet place.  I've known that about myself probably forever, but the Sketchbook Challenge has given me a needed push to keep at it  regularly.  Now, more and more, I also seem to be working through old life issues that I haven't thought much about in years. I still need to make this art journalling  an absolutely required part of my day, every day, and  I haven't quite gotten there, but I'm headed in a good direction again, I think...