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Saturday, January 1, 2011


It is a gray day in Western North Carolina--pouring rain, dark clouds, and fog shrouded mountains.  I got up early on this first day of the new year with the intention of finding a photo (on disk) from 1999 that my brother has wanted me to print for him 'for a coon;s age.' (For you non-native-mountaineers'a coon's age' means a LONG time.)  I couldn't find the disk, which is probably the reason that I never made his print in the first place.  .Frustration!
Then, while I ate my oatmeal, I thought about 2010's New Year's Resolutions, and how I had fallen short yet again!.  I was dripping negativity from every pore.  But Stay Tuned.  Here comes the part about the Visiting Ghosts of New Years Past, Present and Future, and how I had a New Years Epiphany.
I remembered that this is the day that the Sketchbook Challenge was to post their first month's topic, so I surfed on over to see what it is, and it is HIGHLY PRIZED.  Huh?  Well, I have a motley collection of stuff (mostly art supplies, cameras and computers) that I highly prize.......but, wait-----the truly highly prized ithings in my life are the people I love:  My soulmate of more than half a century (!). our two  sons, my photo-less brother, my inlaws, other family, treasured friends..........and what about the fact that although I will turn 75 (gulp) in 2011, I still have a relatively intact body and mind and an imagination and an urge to create and play.........wow    A lot to feel grateful for.....
I don't want to get all maudlin and soppy, but instead of focusing on the negative (like more resolutions that I am sure to break) all I am feeling now is GRATITUDE.  That's what I want to start my follow-along sketchbook with.  Not sure yet how to start to get it on paper, but I am going to try.  

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